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Federal Skilled Worker

Federal Skilled Worker Program

The Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) program is an EE stream for skilled workers who have foreign work experience who wish to immigrate to Canada on permanent basis.

Applicants under this program must meet eligibility criteria for FSWP and score a minimum of 67 points based on following selection criteria:

  • Language Skills
  • Education
  • Age
  • Work Experience
  • Offer of employment in Canada
  • Adaptability

Apart from this basic requirement, applicants must also meet the minimum requirements.

Minimum requirements

Skilled work experience:

  • Must be in the same type of job (have the same NOC) as the job you want to use for your immigration application (called your primary occupation)
  • You must have completed one-year continuous paid work experience within the pervious 10 years.
  • The experience must have been under skilled occupation which falls under Teer 0, 1, 2, or 3 job categories under Canadian National Occupational Classification (NOC).


  • A minimum language ability of CLB 7 in all 4 abilities in either of approved language tests.
  • The language tests must be obtained within 2 years.


  • A completed credential and
  • An educational credential assessment (ECA) report obtained for immigration purposes from designated organization.

Proof of funds:

  • The applicants must provide proof of sufficient funds for you (and your family) to settle in Canada unless you have a valid offer of arranged employment in Canada.